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*Pay up to a $24.99 initiation fee after discount and first and last months’ dues. Membership dues range between $29.99 and $99.99 per month, depending on club location and type. Pay $49.99 Annual Fee once during first year of enrollment and annually thereafter. Applies to select All-Club Basic and Commitment Monthly Payment memberships only. One-year commitment required for Commitment memberships. No additional refunds or credits if initiation fee reduced to $0 with this offer. Excludes All-Club 24-Month Commitment, One-Club, Friends & Family Add-On, Loyalty Prepay, Prepaid, and Limited-Term memberships. Selected club of enrollment must be within 50 miles of purchaser’s residence. All-Club access depends on membership purchased: All-Club Sport memberships do not include access to Super-or Ultra-Sport clubs; All-Club Super-Sport memberships do not include access to Ultra-Sport clubs. Kid’s Club, Group/Personal Training, specialty classes and class reservations are available for an addi

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